Friday, August 9, 2024


This biblical saying is part of the Beatitudes which announced religious happiness for the anawim (those who are bowed down), the poor of every sort: The vulnerable, marginalized, socio-economically oppressed, impoverished, those of lowly status without earthly power. In fact, they depended totally on God for whatever they owned.

So, what does this have to do with those who practice their faith and have the means to afford a lifestyle that feeds, clothes and shelters? More than we think. But to recognize it, they need to visit it on a regular basis, not just donate to those in need when they are reminded at church.

Life for such, often referred to as the middle class, is more about how to balance what they have versus what they either need or want. And so, they hedge their bets, not just monetarily, but in how they manage what affects them.

What is becoming scary is the negative approach they are voicing which points to provoking physical harm against those who do not embrace their thinking. Based upon statistics, we are listening to daily pronouncements of people being shot or hurt in ways that can sometimes take lives.

Compromise is no longer a norm as a first step to be taken toward solving a problem. It is an action taken, sometimes by surprise, which throws those involved into a dilemma of paying back with violence. Now even the innocent is brought into such harmful situations.

We see this in what begins as a peaceful gathering to support either a change or what is currently accepted. After a while, conversations between both sides take on disagreements that become shouting matches, pushing, and shoving and threats with items that can do physical harm.

Responses of Yes and No are now demands to do it “my way” or else. Now all involved parties are in “anything beyond is evil” area.

Life is not easy. Even the rich, powerful, and famous are not happy all the time. Jesus, Himself, the Son of God, who lived as a human, faced problems continually during his three years of public ministry. His life ended by being condemned by those who He came to earth to save from Hell with an alternative of everlasting life of joy, peace and happiness.

This is why we must live a life of truth to support what brings the best to all. All that we have has been given to us by God. We are to share so everyone can follow Jesus as His heir to everlasting life.

Before taking a stand on something, make sure that what is being offered can benefit all who believe in a benevolent God. Say “Yes” to things that are effective for the better as Jesus taught us and “No” to those things which cause harm. It is one way of avoiding evil becoming a path of least resistance and not receiving the result God offers to those who follow in His ways.


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