Friday, September 30, 2022

Faith Calls Us To Be Proactive When It Threatens Those In Need With Social Justice Issues

Dear Readers And Subscribers, Please Forgive The Lateness In producing My Weekly Blog For The 27th Sunday In Ordinary Time And “Respect Life Sunday,” Based On Pope St. John Paul Ii’s 1995 Encyclical “Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel Of Life).  I Was Struggling With Some Personal Issues As Well As How To Best Express My Perspective On Such An Important Topic During This Time Of Great Worldwide Stress.  Thank You For Your Understanding.  Following Is My Blog.

Today is Respect Life Sunday based on Pope St. John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” (The Gospel of Life) held every October to reaffirm the value and inviolability of every human life and to appeal to all people to respect, protect, love and serve every human life. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Jesus Calls Us To Be Selfless In Taking Care Of The Needy Or Face Possible Condemnation

For those who live in urban areas, seeing a poor person like Lazarus in St. Luke’s Gospel is a normal scenario.  Exit ramps from highways, expressways and freeways are filled with people begging for help due to being homeless or hungry.  Whether it is a lone figure or a family, the cardboard signs with dark writing cannot help but catch the eye of those passing by.  And, most do just pass by without an offer to help.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Disciples Of Jesus Are Asked To Share In Justice And Fairness The Gifts God Has Given Us With Those In Need.

Have you ever heard the saying: I would rather be clever than smart?  I even used it myself when I was much younger.  It was a trait that peaked my imagination to allow me to be creative.  People seemed to be more responsive when I said or did something either because it seemed to make sense or it made me look like I knew something they did not.

Friday, September 9, 2022

God Actively Seeks To Bring Sinners Back Into A Loving Relationship With Him, Why Do We Find It So Hard To Accept?

Once a month the clergy of our parish meet for Morning Prayer followed by a light breakfast to discuss what is happening in the Church, our parish and in our lives.  Several weeks ago the topic landed on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the feedback clergy hear from those who take advantage of this sacred rite.  The consensus was that though the laity initially accepts their forgiveness by God through the priest, they linger with the thought that it may be more of a pacifier for what is happening.  The belief being that God still holds it in His heart when it comes to making decisions about our life and afterlife.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Being True And Faithful To Jesus Requires Much Worldly Sacrifice

Our world is into self-preservation. 
It is a mantra for almost every culture.  In and of itself, it is not wrong.  How we go about self-preservation is the crux of most people’s lives.  That is what our readings and Gospel are bringing into light if we espouse Christian discipleship as the mainstay of our lives.