Friday, June 10, 2022

The Most Holy Trinity! A Perfect Mystery At The Center Of Christian Faith And Life!

As a baptized believer in the Catholic faith my parents and godparents made a promise on my behalf as a child that I will love God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength and all that God has created as Jesus loves us.  My Confirmation followed up with that by my personal attestation that I will, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continue in that belief and work to bring those in need into the Church. 

Furthermore, as an ordained deacon, I took an oath of obedience to the Ordinary bishop of my diocese, whoever that may be during my service, to be one with the Catholic Church in faith, hope and love by my thoughts, words and deeds.  In other words, I have dedicated my life to a faith which espouses three persons in One God, in the belief I will be saved and spend eternity in the Kingdom of God.  That’s my understanding and the best way I can explain this mystery.

What gives me consolation about this is that I have a God who out of love created a plan for each one of us that shares His divinity through His love for His Son.  Likewise, the Son out of obedience to the will of His Father, died on a cross for our sins, rose from the dead to open the gates of heaven and ascended into heaven to be with His Father and to greet our return home.  And, if that isn’t enough, He sends the Holy Spirit on Pentecost to indwell in each believer to spread the Gospel message.

Another way we are continually blessed by the most Holy Trinity is that God continues to open up our relationship of love for all who we meet.  Our faith grows stronger so that as we are challenged by life, and called to share what God has given us through each Person of the Blessed Trinity.

Let us each time we make the sign of the cross and say the words “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” either silently or aloud remember that God is one in three persons who is always able to be there for us no matter what we are doing.  He works tirelessly on our behalf so that we never need to question His love for us.  Let us return the favor also as we continue to honor God in everything we do daily in thought, word and deed.

Reading 1:  Proverbs 8: 22-31
Reading 2: Romans 5: 1-5
Gospel: John 16: 12-15

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