Friday, June 17, 2022

The Body And Blood Of Christ Feast Calls Us As A Community To Commit Ourselves Fully As Jesus Did For Us

In my earliest stage of life I used to watch people as they approached the sanctuary to receive communion or seek a blessing during Mass. 
Most were devout in their approach, receipt and returning to their pews.  Once in a while someone seemed to do it because everyone else was because it was part of the crowd flow.  What was more interesting to witness was how people left the church; especially those who received Eucharist.  It was as if the significance of what just happened a few minutes prior got lost in translation.

Those who leave Church like that are not realizing the profound change in their lives during the hour spent with God in community.  Instead, it seems like they are more focused in not breaking a commandment of keeping the Sabbath holy.  It is looked upon as a private matter in fulfilling our promise.  We return to our lives for another week until it is time to return to church to repeat another hour or worship just like the numerous ones prior in trying to identify with the life, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus.

I too have been guilty of this approach.  I forgot that I am part of a community who is grateful for what Jesus did for us and by receiving Eucharist I am committing myself to active participation not only at Mass but in every part of my life.  That the Eucharistic meal feeds me so I can celebrate the gift I am receiving as a member of a community that promises to dedicate their entire life to God in every aspect, 24/7.   

The primary importance of today’s feast of the Body and Blood of Christ is that we are one with our Lord in the most profound way we as humans can be: Spiritually and physically.  We carry within us the consecrated host representing Jesus, our Lord and Savior.  We, along with our brothers and sisters, are a true community of faith who say “YES” to God that we love Him and all who He created as He loves us.  We have the Real Presence of Jesus within us.

Today is meant to be more than a reminder of what Jesus did for us as believers.  We need to take this time to strengthen our commitment to our faith community in all the ways God offers, as well as what our parish programming provides.  We are to grow together so we can accomplish being one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church.

Let us take this week to reach out to others in our parish to talk about how we as a faith community can strengthen our resolve to grow our Church to spread the Gospel message Jesus left us by His words and actions.  Together, we can make a difference!

Reading 1:  Genesis 14: 18-20
Reading 2: First Corinthians 11: 23-26
Gospel: Luke 9: 11b-17

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