Friday, June 24, 2022

God’s Call To Be His Disciple Requires Our Commitment To Never Look Back!

Scripture can seem confusing at times. 
In our readings and the Gospel today we are told not to look back.  And, yet, throughout the New Testament we receive references to the Hebrew Scriptures to help us better understand what we are called to do.  That is why the Church is blessed with bible scholars who are able to interpret what was written in various foreign languages to clarify our journey to everlasting life.

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Body And Blood Of Christ Feast Calls Us As A Community To Commit Ourselves Fully As Jesus Did For Us

In my earliest stage of life I used to watch people as they approached the sanctuary to receive communion or seek a blessing during Mass. 
Most were devout in their approach, receipt and returning to their pews.  Once in a while someone seemed to do it because everyone else was because it was part of the crowd flow.  What was more interesting to witness was how people left the church; especially those who received Eucharist.  It was as if the significance of what just happened a few minutes prior got lost in translation.

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Most Holy Trinity! A Perfect Mystery At The Center Of Christian Faith And Life!

As a baptized believer in the Catholic faith my parents and godparents made a promise on my behalf as a child that I will love God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength and all that God has created as Jesus loves us.  My Confirmation followed up with that by my personal attestation that I will, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continue in that belief and work to bring those in need into the Church. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

As The Holy Spirit Communicates The Teachings Of Jesus It Allows Us To Keep Our Promise Of Sharing His Gospel Message

About a decade ago, my wife and I along with six members of our family were vacationing in northern Italy to be followed by a week of visiting Croatia, Greece and Turkey. 
Most of our overseas trips are usually to one area in which the same language is spoken when visiting different countries.  Though our tour guides would all speak English for our side trips, we would be exposed to several languages we did not know.