Friday, December 30, 2022

Mary, Holy Mother Of God, By Saying “Yes” To God’s Will, Intercedes On Our Behalf With Her Son!

Prior to my acceptance into Diaconate formation in 2000, I along with other candidates was asked to submit a paper on our spiritual journey. 
My submission included three women who influenced me to believe in God and become a follower: My mom, dad’s mom and my wife.  Each one of them in their own way reminded me of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Holy Mother of God.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Jesus Is The Reason For The Season When We Openly Practice Our Faith So All Can Receive God’s Salvation

For those who have visited the birthplace of Jesus in the town of Bethlehem near the city of Jerusalem, the word “Humble” may not be an apt description of this cramped cave where Mary, Jesus and Joseph spent the first day of the Son of God’s human birthday. 
In fact, it reminds me of the many homeless encamped under the freeways with very little protection in what I term as “Squalor.”  And yet this is where our salvation begins in earthly terms with a forced move for a worldly census of the Roman Empire.

Friday, December 16, 2022

Acceptance Of God’s Plan Of Life For Us Makes The Difference For Our Salvation! Let Us Deny Our Sinfulness That Leads Us Astray!

Things don’t always seem to be what we believe they are or should be based on our viewpoint.  This Sunday’s readings and Gospel are indicative of that, especially in light of God’s plan for our lives.  It often seems contradictory, because our beliefs propagated by what the world has put into place don’t always agree with God’s.  The question for us is: “With whom do we place our trust, man or God, no matter how difficult the situation, if we seek eternal life”?

Friday, December 9, 2022

Experience The Joy Of Salvation By Healing, Wholeness And Holiness As We Offer Christian Joy Which We Ourselves Have Received

We are called to prepare the way for Jesus to come into ours and other people’s hearts so we can experience the joy of salvation, healing, wholeness and holiness for which we long and gives real meaning to our lives.  But, how do we do that when we are imprisoned into a world of sin as was St. John the Baptist?

Friday, December 2, 2022

As We Prepare For The Coming Of Christ, Let Us Practice Peace And Offer Justice To Situations That Harm Us In So Many Ways!

Connected through the ages of time, we still prepare during Advent for the coming of Christ in our lives beginning with his birth, suffering, death, resurrection, ascension and return. Both readings and St. Matthew’s Gospel illustrate how God’s plan was meant for us whether we were known as an Israelite or Gentile prior to or after implementation of Christianity.  Our preparation is for acceptance of who Jesus is as told to us through the scriptures and to find ways we can be repentant, have a personal change of heart and a transformation or conversion as we help to bring peace and justice as Jesus did.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Prepare The Way of The Lord!






Friday, November 18, 2022

Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done If We Accept God’s Call To Be One With Him!

Benevolent monarchies without a spiritual force behind it rarely exist to offer the fullness of what Jesus, a Christian King, provides for us through His love of all that exists in His realm with His Father and the Holy Spirit.  If that were not enough of a challenge, outside influences based on fulfilling one’s personal needs of wealth, fame and power all but destroy human decency, morals and integrity so that nothing can exist without negativity in all facets available for peaceful co-existence.

Friday, November 11, 2022

Practicing Patient Endurance Focuses Us To Live Each Day Fully In The Company Of Jesus!

It is interesting that as one ages, patience takes on a different meaning than when we were young. 
Things had to happen quicker in our early years because there was so much of life that needed to be experienced.  Waiting slowed our pace and caused us to possibly miss something which might be helpful to get ahead in our lives.  Consideration for taking time to learn what we wanted or needed to know was less important because we could pick it up on the fly; or so we thought.

Friday, November 4, 2022

“The Lord Is Not God Of The Dead, But Of The Living.”

“Death is but a passing from this life to the next,” is how I define eternal life.  Where that eternal life is depends on how you live your current life.  If you are like the Sadducees in St. Luke’s Gospel today, you will spend it in hell.  If you follow Jesus’ logic, you will be heaven in love with everyone you have ever loved on earth.  After all, isn’t love God’s focus?

Friday, October 28, 2022

God In His Love And Mercy Calls Us To Change For The Better

Has this ever happened to you? 
Just when you think everything is going smoothly, something goes awry that gives you cause to pause.  Doubt comes into the picture and you begin to wonder why now and what you did that changed your life condition.  The path you have been taking seems unsure and you become stymied as you contemplate what to do next.

Friday, October 21, 2022

O God, Have Mercy On Me! O Lord, Open My Lips And My Mouth Shall Declare Your Praise! My Sacrifice…A Humbled, Contrite Heart You Will Not Spurn!

(From Psalm 51 – The Miserere: Prayer of Repentance – of King David)

Each day I start my morning prayer of the Liturgy of the Hours with an examination of conscience in the following way:

“Lord, forgive my inequities, cleanse me from my sin, help me to be one with You in all that I am and in all that I do in thought, word and deed as well as Faith, Hope and Love.  Give me courage, strength, wisdom, understanding, peace, joy and grace to be obedient to your will.  For all those for whom I pray, may they receive your care, comfort and healing.”

Friday, October 14, 2022

Faith Requires Perseverance In All Facets Of Our Life, Especially In Communications With God Through Prayer

A religious from Europe active in missionary work in Zambia at a hospital and orphanage and more recently in the Ukraine, shared yesterday at Mass about a four-day ordeal he had in a basement of an apartment building in which 13 children were hiding after being wounded by a Russian missile.  Though he was able to help because of his work in Zambia, it was through perseverance in prayer that helped him and the children to cope with what happened and how they will be able to face an uncertain future.  This incident brings our Gospel and readings this weekend to life and hopefully us in how we live as practicing Catholics.

Friday, October 7, 2022

God, Who Created Us Out Of Love, Is Always Here For Us, No Matter Who We Are As Long As We Are Grateful For All That He Does

It is interesting to note how people react to illnesses and accidents, especially when they are either a part of it or have avoided it. 
In the latter instance, most people express how lucky they were.  It was a close call, but they beat the odds.  Those who experienced a setback due to being affected either are upset because they have a problem which may be life-changing or are grateful because it was something minor.

Friday, September 30, 2022

Faith Calls Us To Be Proactive When It Threatens Those In Need With Social Justice Issues

Dear Readers And Subscribers, Please Forgive The Lateness In producing My Weekly Blog For The 27th Sunday In Ordinary Time And “Respect Life Sunday,” Based On Pope St. John Paul Ii’s 1995 Encyclical “Evangelium Vitae (The Gospel Of Life).  I Was Struggling With Some Personal Issues As Well As How To Best Express My Perspective On Such An Important Topic During This Time Of Great Worldwide Stress.  Thank You For Your Understanding.  Following Is My Blog.

Today is Respect Life Sunday based on Pope St. John Paul II’s 1995 encyclical “Evangelium Vitae” (The Gospel of Life) held every October to reaffirm the value and inviolability of every human life and to appeal to all people to respect, protect, love and serve every human life. 

Friday, September 23, 2022

Jesus Calls Us To Be Selfless In Taking Care Of The Needy Or Face Possible Condemnation

For those who live in urban areas, seeing a poor person like Lazarus in St. Luke’s Gospel is a normal scenario.  Exit ramps from highways, expressways and freeways are filled with people begging for help due to being homeless or hungry.  Whether it is a lone figure or a family, the cardboard signs with dark writing cannot help but catch the eye of those passing by.  And, most do just pass by without an offer to help.

Friday, September 16, 2022

Disciples Of Jesus Are Asked To Share In Justice And Fairness The Gifts God Has Given Us With Those In Need.

Have you ever heard the saying: I would rather be clever than smart?  I even used it myself when I was much younger.  It was a trait that peaked my imagination to allow me to be creative.  People seemed to be more responsive when I said or did something either because it seemed to make sense or it made me look like I knew something they did not.

Friday, September 9, 2022

God Actively Seeks To Bring Sinners Back Into A Loving Relationship With Him, Why Do We Find It So Hard To Accept?

Once a month the clergy of our parish meet for Morning Prayer followed by a light breakfast to discuss what is happening in the Church, our parish and in our lives.  Several weeks ago the topic landed on the Sacrament of Reconciliation and the feedback clergy hear from those who take advantage of this sacred rite.  The consensus was that though the laity initially accepts their forgiveness by God through the priest, they linger with the thought that it may be more of a pacifier for what is happening.  The belief being that God still holds it in His heart when it comes to making decisions about our life and afterlife.

Friday, September 2, 2022

Being True And Faithful To Jesus Requires Much Worldly Sacrifice

Our world is into self-preservation. 
It is a mantra for almost every culture.  In and of itself, it is not wrong.  How we go about self-preservation is the crux of most people’s lives.  That is what our readings and Gospel are bringing into light if we espouse Christian discipleship as the mainstay of our lives. 

Friday, August 26, 2022

Jesus Calls Us To Be Humble To Serve Those In Need!

Like Jesus’ parables on honor, respect and humility in St. Luke’s Gospel today, it is interesting to note that regular church goers often have favorite seats in which they sit. 
Others like to sit at the ends of a pew rather than move toward the center when other people enter so they have to step over them to be in “their” pew.  I have been in some churches that actually have a plaque with someone’s name where they sit and in others where initials are carved in certain pews to mark a place where someone sits.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Jesus Invites Us To Enter The Narrow Gate To Save All Souls By Introducing Them To Joy, Peace And Everlasting Life

Last week’s readings and St. Luke’s Gospel reminded us that we are called to bring God’s love and peace to all we meet. 
Our Baptism brings the fire of the Holy Spirit into our being so that we can spread God’s word toward purification of sinfulness and acceptance of God’s Kingdom.  Today, we add another dimension in which we reach out to the whole world even in times of great difficulty because no one is to be excluded from the Kingdom of God.  Salvation is offered to everyone.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Baptized With The Fire Of The Holy Spirit, We Are Called To Bring Of God’s Love And Peace To All We Meet

In the realm of relationships each one is unique even though there are identifying traits that psychologist, psychiatrists and scientists have data that often proves the outcomes are consistent no matter the person involved.  The uniqueness comes when we interact with one another and the outcome produces or provides an avenue of action to change something for better or worse.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Trust In God Allows Faith To Grow So We Can Spread Jesus’ Gospel Teachings


On the last Saturday of July I received a card from the wife of a man I have known for 61 years.  After four and half years of suffering from stage four colon cancer he passed. Joe, not his real name, was one of my oldest friends and we considered each other as brothers because neither of us had siblings.

Friday, July 29, 2022

Seek The Things That Are Eternal! Grow Rich In The Sight Of The Lord!

Being a dedicated Catholic Christian challenges us to make difficult choices that cause pain in so many areas of our life.  
Our Gospel and readings today definitely pits our faith in God against a world that denies His very existence.  And yet, without that world, we often are unable to survive in some of the very basic areas of providing a livelihood.

Friday, July 22, 2022

Prayer! Communications & Perseverance To Be One With God In All Our Needs!

Someone once asked me how does one know if they have a good prayer life? 
I said, “When it is answered, whether you know it or not.”

I have come to the conclusion that prayer is a life-long process that evolves over time.  None of us awakens one day and says okay I finally figured out this prayer thing.  It is more a time of questioning and trying to ascertain how we should pray to God.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Hospitality! Seeking And Recognizing Divine Presence In Others!

One of the traits I have noticed about people, myself included, is that we have a curious nature that seeks to learn about the world around us; especially as it relates to others.  Initially, it is about looking for things in common.  If we find enough we like about someone, we begin to recognize differences by accident or on purpose.  When we have satisfied our curiosity, we make a decision to continue in relationship with someone or to go elsewhere.

Friday, July 8, 2022

“Who Is My Neighbor?” The One Who Treats A Person With Mercy. Go And Do Likewise!

In mid1975 I was hired by a national wholesale nursery company as a regional salesman to represent them in the new territory of southern California and Nevada and all of Arizona.  In addition, I would continue to handle their firm’s public relations.  I closed my public relations/advertising agency and my wife and I sold our home and moved our family of four children under the age of seven from the Chicago area to Southern California.

Friday, July 1, 2022

As Christians, We Are To Bring Peace Reach Out To Others So All Can Become One

About every five years or so there is a knock at our front door usually by two young men each nicely dressed in a white shirt, tie, dark colored pants and suspenders.  They always have smile on their face, some pamphlets in their hands and sometimes a bible.  They introduce themselves by name and tell us they are from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Friday, June 24, 2022

God’s Call To Be His Disciple Requires Our Commitment To Never Look Back!

Scripture can seem confusing at times. 
In our readings and the Gospel today we are told not to look back.  And, yet, throughout the New Testament we receive references to the Hebrew Scriptures to help us better understand what we are called to do.  That is why the Church is blessed with bible scholars who are able to interpret what was written in various foreign languages to clarify our journey to everlasting life.

Friday, June 17, 2022

The Body And Blood Of Christ Feast Calls Us As A Community To Commit Ourselves Fully As Jesus Did For Us

In my earliest stage of life I used to watch people as they approached the sanctuary to receive communion or seek a blessing during Mass. 
Most were devout in their approach, receipt and returning to their pews.  Once in a while someone seemed to do it because everyone else was because it was part of the crowd flow.  What was more interesting to witness was how people left the church; especially those who received Eucharist.  It was as if the significance of what just happened a few minutes prior got lost in translation.

Friday, June 10, 2022

The Most Holy Trinity! A Perfect Mystery At The Center Of Christian Faith And Life!

As a baptized believer in the Catholic faith my parents and godparents made a promise on my behalf as a child that I will love God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) with my whole heart, soul, mind and strength and all that God has created as Jesus loves us.  My Confirmation followed up with that by my personal attestation that I will, with the help of the Holy Spirit, continue in that belief and work to bring those in need into the Church. 

Friday, June 3, 2022

As The Holy Spirit Communicates The Teachings Of Jesus It Allows Us To Keep Our Promise Of Sharing His Gospel Message

About a decade ago, my wife and I along with six members of our family were vacationing in northern Italy to be followed by a week of visiting Croatia, Greece and Turkey. 
Most of our overseas trips are usually to one area in which the same language is spoken when visiting different countries.  Though our tour guides would all speak English for our side trips, we would be exposed to several languages we did not know.

Friday, May 27, 2022

Christ’s Ascension Provides A New Beginning For Us To Continue His Work On Earth

All things, good or bad, come to an end in some way, shape or form.  When it happens, we usually have mixed emotions depending on our part in it and our expectations.  That is how the Apostles felt at the end of Christ’s ministry on earth.  All of them started out doing something unrelated to becoming future Church leaders who will expand a faith belief for the world.  We know from Scripture that in their three years with Jesus prior to His demise as a human they wanted to follow in Jesus footsteps.  Following His death, resurrection and visit with them, many initially returned to their former life because they were confused in their future.  After spending an additional 40 days with Jesus ending with His Ascension, they reverted back to the desire of spiritual involvement.

Friday, May 20, 2022

God Sends the Holy Spirit So We Can Understand and Practice Jesus’ Message of Love Clearly


Please forgive the lateness in receiving this weekly blog for the Sixth Sunday of Easter.  After being infected with a Covid-19 strain for eight days, I was unable to meet my deadline.  Though it is late, I hope you will still receive something that will give you a personal insight into your relationship with the Lord.  Thank you for your understanding.

God created us as unique beings with a free-will to decide how we should live our lives; according to the ways of the Lord or in ways that satisfy our wants and needs as we believe is necessary.  In sorting this out, we come into numerous conflicts with different interpretations that cause disagreements as we try to articulate our faith in a changing world.  Our Gospel today offers a road of calm and peace in which despite differences, we can find a common ground toward understanding in which to receive the indwelling of Christ’s love in our hearts by keeping His Word through the help of the Holy Spirit.

Friday, May 13, 2022

Love One Another As Jesus Loves Us!

For those who have access to social media, television or the written media, you know that many societies throughout the world are self-centered in their approach to life.  Wealth, Power and Fame are the main catalyst on one side and being downtrodden by multiple circumstances is another.  It almost seems hopeless that we will ever live in a society that not only offers equality, but practices it in all we think, say and do.  That being the case, how can we ever love one another as Jesus loves us?

Friday, May 6, 2022

“The Shepherd Calls His Own Sheep By Name…”

Have you been called by God?  Have you responded?  If so, what are you doing about it?  If not, why not?

Friday, April 29, 2022

“Come, Have Breakfast.”

The invitation almost seems comical in light of what has happened: Jesus, the Messiah, Only-Begotten Son of God, is crucified, dies, is buried and raised from the dead so our sins can be forgiven and we would have life everlasting.  
Seven of the Apostles, who fished all night and caught nothing, are invited to eat with the Risen Christ on the northeast shore of the Sea of Galilee.  A lost night becomes a new day!

Friday, April 22, 2022

“My Lord And My God”! “Blessed, Happy Are Those Who Have Not Seen And Yet Believe”!

As an affirmation of my faith, I say in silence as the priest raises the consecrated Precious Body after the words of Transubstantiation:

‘My Lord and my God!  Help me to be one with You in all that I am and do in thought, word and deed, and in faith, hope and love.  Help me, an unworthy servant, to be worthy.’

Friday, April 15, 2022

EASTER! Promise Of Everlasting Life Fulfilled!

Easter, especially the Triduum, is a continuous historical and spiritual reminder to Christian believers of the greatest love story that ever happened in our reality nearly 2000 years ago.  Without it, a massive amount of those would have no connection with God except at creation and at the end of one’s life for judgment.  The years in between would be aimless based on one’s free-will decisions that may or may not lead to a relationship with God.  The Blessed Trinity in their infinite wisdom provides a plan for each of us that circumvent what could have been a tragedy for all: A world without a Christian God who created us out of and for love.     

Friday, April 8, 2022

Jesus Christ Is Lord For Those Who Believe And For Those Who Need To!

It always amazes me in reading the Gospel at the Procession on Palm Sunday and in celebrating Holy Week how in the space of five days the people’s sentiment for Jesus goes from praise and joy to false accusations, a mock trial, physical torture and to death by crucifixion. 
Unfortunately, it does not surprise me.  Man’s cruelty to humans seems to be an expectation accepted by most as to how one treats another based on frustration to selfishness being denied.  I can hear people saying:

Friday, April 1, 2022

Do Not Judge Those Who Sin So God Will Not Condemn Us Who Also Are Sinners


Periodically, my wife accuses me of selective listening; especially when it concerns a point she is trying to make about something that I choose not to hear.  My usual excuse for not hearing her, if I am still asked to respond, is that my tinnitus is so loud I couldn’t quite make out what she said.  In my defense, that is often true, but it doesn’t excuse me from not responding in some fashion.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Which Path Will I Choose To Practice My Faith?

One of the most well-known Gospels is written by Saint Luke entitled: “
The Prodigal Son.”  It’s a great story of God’s love for His people as portrayed by a loving father who tries his best to provide his two sons with everything he can offer; whether they live with him in resentment or leave him and return because the pain of being separated is too difficult to bear.

Saturday, March 19, 2022

God Is A God Of Second Chances For Those Willing To Repent

None of us are perfect as we are all sinners.  Given that scenario, how do we stand a chance of being rewarded the promise of eternal life with the unpredictability of obstacles in our life such as diseases, violence and natural disasters in addition to our own culpability?

Friday, March 11, 2022

Transfiguration Means We Need To Believe God’s Truth Of His Love For Us!

If you haven’t figured it out yet, God is very patient with those who practice their faith.  The Chosen Race of Jews of the Hebrew Scriptures who either witnessed or were taught about what God did to release them from slavery took 40 years of wandering in the desert before fully accepting His love for them.  It has been 2000 years plus since Jesus walked the earth and Catholics are still questioning the teachings of Jesus and His plan for our salvation based upon a recent survey indicating only 31 percent of believers accepts that the bread and wine is transubstantiated into His body and blood and not just a symbol.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Lead Us Not Into Temptation But Deliver Us From Evil

Every human since the beginning of time has been tempted, whether in his or her faith or in something not related to a faith.  What is important about this rests on each individual’s response to the temptation.  Did he or she act upon it for self-gratification, or was it squashed for a better action that would improve the life of not only the one tempted but others who may have been affected.

Friday, February 25, 2022

We Need To Know Ourself Before We Criticize Another. Use Our Heart To Speak God’s Love.

An adage I often use when people ask about me is: “What you see, is what you get.”  I say this not to be glib, cocky or without thought.  I want to honestly reflect the true me as much as possible with whatever positive and negative aspects I portray.  I know I am not perfect and have many faults.  With this attitude, I hope that people will see I mean well in all my relationships and I can continue to learn how I need to honor the other person’s self-worth. 

Friday, February 18, 2022

Hate The Sin, Not The Sinner, So We Can Love Our Enemies And Pray For Our Persecutors!

Monsignor Owen P. Jinks, deceased pastor of St. Paul of the Cross Catholic Church in La Mirada, California, when preaching on St. Luke’s Gospel from today, would say: “Hate the sin, not the sinner.” 
He did so because he understood we all have people who come into our lives who we either don’t like or who cause us problems.  So, instead of focusing on the person, it would lead us to look at what happened and possibly why we found it difficult to love someone we believed was our enemy or at least caused us to be upset or angry.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Volunteering To Help Those In Need Confirms Our Trust Of Faith In God

My main purpose for writing my weekly blog is to help all those who read it to find the purpose for which God created them and in turn to use the God-given gifts and talents they possess to fulfill that purpose.  Our Gospel and readings for this Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time call us to do just that.

Friday, February 4, 2022

Created By God’s Love For A Specific Purpose, We Are To Find The Reason For Our Creation And Use It To Bring The Gospel Message To All


Last week I was invited by the principal of our parish school to be one of two speakers at an assembly on vocations.  A former teacher, Mr. M, and husband of the current eighth grade teacher gave a PowerPoint presentation about vocations focusing on life’s goals, purpose and the call from the perspective of God’s influence in our lives.  My part was an extemporaneous offering dedicated to my call from God on why I was called to become a deacon and accepted.

Friday, January 28, 2022

God’s Call For Us To Love Brings Hardship And Clarity To Our Lives

Last Sunday’s Gospel about the Messiah coming ended with Jesus proclaiming: “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”  Today’s Gospel continuation has the listeners upset because they don’t have the faith to accept their kinsman and neighbor to be that Savior of the world.

Friday, January 21, 2022

It Takes Great Courage And Strength To Accept Fulfillment Of Our Faith

Biblical writings from both the Hebrew Scriptures and the New Testament are filled with countless stories about believers who found it difficult to practice their faith according to the various covenants God offered.