Friday, February 3, 2023

Belief In God Allows Us To Center Our Lives On Jesus And Grow As Disciples Of The Lord In Faith And Action

In one of the two parishes I serve at, their mission statement is the following:

“We, the Catholic community of [Church Name and Location], under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, center our lives on Jesus Christ.  Together we grow as disciples of the Lord in faith and action.”

Today’s readings and Gospel place an emphasis on Christian faith and call every believer to make a difference by getting involved. 

In the third major section of the Book of the Prophet Isaiah, the Israelites who have recently returned from exile in Babylon are addressed in regards to building a new nation by practicing social justice.  Particular attention is paid to their treatment of the poor by telling them the Lord wants them to feed the poor, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked and to be compassionate to all of God’s creation.

St. Paul’s first Letter to the Corinthians expands on how one’s faith does not rest on “human wisdom but on the power of God.”  He wants them to realize that they are called to demonstrate their faith by relying on God and the Spirit they have as believers.

St. Matthew’s Gospel uses Jesus’ symbolism of disciples being the “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” as a calling of followers to be the living witnesses of faith. 

Salt references areas essential for following Jesus: Holiness, Wisdom and Faith.  He emphasizes salt’s distinctive taste when it is merged with food like disciples are with society in permeating the world, renewing it and retarding its social and moral decay.

As light, we are to shine out through our words and actions.  Good deeds must always be done for the sake of others so that all works of discipleship glorify God’s name, not one’s own.

In Pope Francis’ The Joy of the Gospel, he describes our evangelizing call to a hurting world that needs encouragement and hope.  He writes: “The Church must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.”

Let us take this week to open ourselves to the ways God might call us to support His people, to flavor the world with love and shine forth the light of divine goodness.  It will provide us with a good lesson in selflessness and give glory to God who gave up His life so all can be saved.

Reading 1:  Isaiah 58: 7-10
Reading 2: First Corinthians 2: 1-5
Gospel: Matthew 5: 13-16

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