Friday, August 12, 2022

Baptized With The Fire Of The Holy Spirit, We Are Called To Bring Of God’s Love And Peace To All We Meet

In the realm of relationships each one is unique even though there are identifying traits that psychologist, psychiatrists and scientists have data that often proves the outcomes are consistent no matter the person involved.  The uniqueness comes when we interact with one another and the outcome produces or provides an avenue of action to change something for better or worse.

Jesus in St. Luke’s Gospel recognized this when he talked about divisions in households.  For those who accept His Gospel message and are baptized into the faith, it can put one at odds with family members who do not agree or even reject what has happened.  What makes the difference is that we commit to being a disciple in a world that denies the teachings and causes us to struggle to change it, ourselves and others to have right relationships.

On a personal basis our dilemma is usually about how to balance what the world demands to exist versus what Jesus says is necessary to have peace in the world.  The Prophet Jeremiah knew this well when he followed God’s commands to explain the truth of what was needed to be done and was rejected by those who disagreed to the point of being threatened with a death of starvation.

The Letter to the Hebrews puts it on a personal basis in what we need to do to avoid sin so we can do the work God has called us to do.  We are reminded of all that Jesus suffered in His humanness to help us understand how important it is to live a life of faith, hope and love.

Though I am sure in this world some people believe that suffering is both necessary and good to convince people to their way of thinking.  It is not God’s way.  We may have to suffer to learn what God wants us to specifically do in various situations, but the purpose usually clarifies for us why it will work for the better.

As Jesus said in the today’s Gospel: “I have come to set the earth on fire, and how I wish it were already blazing”!  Fire in Christianity is the sign of purification and the symbol of the Holy Spirit used by Jesus to baptize us.  We, the baptized, are given that fire as God’s disciples to bring His message of peace to all He created, whether they accept Him or not.  That, in essence, is why we were created.  Our choice as believers is to be the deliverer each and every day we live to whomever we meet.  Many of those meetings will cause a struggle and doubts if we really are “good” enough to do God’s bidding. 

The quick response would be “yes” because we know in our hearts, mind, soul and strength that God loves us and we love Him.  The crux of the question is how can we love as Jesus loves us because we are not comfortable and fear the negativity of what could happen.  That is where faith comes into play.  We believe because He has promised us eternal life to all who follow His ways.  We know that and need to bring that belief to all.

Let us take this week to pray about our relationship with God and His call to us to be His disciple.  Start by looking for some small ways we can relate God’s message of love and peace to family, friends or people we know who may be struggling in their own lives about their connection with God.  We may be amazed by their level of acceptance because at various times in our lives we are all lost and are looking for a way to reconnect with God.  Help them connect again.         

Reading 1: Jeremiah 38: 4-6, 8-10
Reading 2: Hebrews 12: 1-4
Gospel: Luke 12: 49-53

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