Friday, March 26, 2021

Challenges and Triumphs: A Passion of Moral Reflection!


Though my Holy Land Pilgrimage was in early October of 2015, my thoughts, visions and memories are still fresh in my mind, especially during Lent and Holy Week.  I kept a journal during our 10-day journey and St. Mark’s Gospel on this Passion/Palm Sunday reminds me of the depth of God’s love for His creation as He returns to Jerusalem for the last time to give us life everlasting through His death and Resurrection.

Friday, March 19, 2021

“A Clean Heart Create for Me, O God, And A Steadfast Spirit Renew Within Me.” (Psalm 51:12)


It is rare that a Psalm is used for a main thought for a homily, a reflection, pastoral letter or even a blog.  It is the Gospel upon which we are to take our lead in God’s message to His disciples or people who “wish to see Jesus” as mentioned in St. John’s Gospel today (Jn. 12:21).  But, without Psalm 51:12, can we really “See” Jesus?

Friday, March 12, 2021

God’s Love For Us Is Manifested In Jesus’ Sacrifice So We Can Be Saved


Our Gospel from St. John this Fourth Sunday of Lent quotes what is considered one of the best known verses in the Bible:

 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life.” (John 3:16) 

And yet, it is one of the most difficult for us to understand and to follow.

Friday, March 5, 2021

Covenants, Promises and Rewards

God’s relationship with His believers is based on covenant agreements that include disciples’ promises to do or not do something for which they are rewarded with eternal salvation as part of God’s plan of redemption.


Depending on which faith you choose to follow, the number of covenant agreements is recognized differently.  The Roman Catholic Church, for example, names five they consider official covenants between God and humanity: Noahic; Abrahamic; Mosaic; Davidic; and New.  Two not considered covenants are Adamic and Palestinian.  The two we address today are the Mosaic Covenant from the first reading of The Book of Exodus and the New Covenant from the Gospel of Saint John.