Sunday, July 12, 2020

God’s Word: Listen – Obey – Take Action


My first encounter with God’s Word was when I began reading and I was given a six-book set of Bible stories that highlighted the major events in both New and Old Testaments. It was both easy to read and filled with many pictures. It was my favorite “book” to read at the time and it helped me to better understand the Sacred Scriptures I listened to when attending Sunday Masses.

In 1978 I received a New American Study Bible from my wife, Candi, for my birthday that I have used ever since. On the first blank page she wrote a scripture passage from Matthew 7:24 which says: “Therefore, everyone who hears these Words of Mine, and acts upon them, may be compared to a wise man who built his house upon the rock.” I have taken this excerpt to heart and tried my best to live my life as one who listens to God’s Word.

Today’s readings from the Prophet Isaiah, St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans and St. Matthew’s Gospel put into perspective for us how important God’s Word is to us if we are to practice our Catholic faith as a way of life on a daily basis.

Isaiah 55:11 says: “So shall My (God’s) word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but shall do My will, achieving the end for which I sent it.” This challenge takes anyone who practices his faith to task for not seriously embracing God’s Word as an important aspect of how one is to live. Not only are we to listen to God’s Word, but we are to embrace it and take action as we see necessary to ensure we are one with our Lord no matter what our state of life is.

St. Paul’s Letter to the Romans writes that everyone who is serious about her or his Christianity longs to establish the Kingdom of God. In using the image of labor pains, a woman concentrates on giving birth. We also must reach into our inner depths to make God’s Kingdom a reality in the world. It’s not enough to say we want to be united with Christ. We need to use the spiritual gift of the Word to implement it.

Finally, in St. Matthew’s Gospel, Jesus tells the parable about the sower and the seed, explains why He teaches in parables and interprets this lengthy allegorical tale. In essence, we need to take the initiative of Jesus’ teachings of God’s way of life by not only listening to His Word, but by following His will and taking actions that will give life daily to God’s ways for us and all with whom we interface.

The challenge for us is to carefully weigh out the current difficulties in our life: Covid-19 pandemic, racial protesting, lawlessness, political turmoil and financial difficulties occupying how we are to conduct ourselves; because it could greatly affect us and others we know and love. To truly hear what Jesus is saying, we need to ponder what He wants us to know. We need to listen and open our hearts to the Word of God so we can gain insight into the Kingdom of God.

Let us take time daily to read Sacred Scripture to better attune ourselves to God’s Word. And in doing so, let us offer our prayers for those who also need to follow God’s ways for a better world. Will it immediately solve the problems listed above? Probably not! But it will provide us with a better picture of how to face into difficult situations when answers are not readily available and progress seems so slow. It also should lead to a thirst for Sacred Scriptures that have throughout man’s history provided us with insights into God’s ways for not only how to cope but how to put into perspective God’s promise of eternal life for those who are faithful to His Word.

Reading 1: Isaiah 55:10-11
Reading 2: Romans 8:18-23
Gospel: Matthew 13:1-23

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