Friday, September 13, 2024

Deny Self, Take Up Cross And Follow Jesus! Instructions For Path To Heaven By Helping Those In Need Through Faith And Works!

Everyone needs some type of direction to at least go from point “A” to point “B.”  Without that, we will meander for a longer period of time.  We may or may not reach our destination of choice.  The real crux of going from one place to another requires correct information so we can make the proper decision without too many detours.

Friday, September 6, 2024

“Ephphatha – Be Opened!” Jesus Calls Us By Our Baptism To Be Open To God So We Can Share Our Faith With Others

One of the faculties I have been granted by my ordination into the permanent Diaconate is to baptize children.  I view it as one of the greatest blessings for which I have been gifted in service to the Lord.  To bring a child into the faith and, more importantly, into a personal relationship with God is a deeply spiritual time which touches my very heart and soul with humility and joy.