Friday, August 26, 2022

Jesus Calls Us To Be Humble To Serve Those In Need!

Like Jesus’ parables on honor, respect and humility in St. Luke’s Gospel today, it is interesting to note that regular church goers often have favorite seats in which they sit. 
Others like to sit at the ends of a pew rather than move toward the center when other people enter so they have to step over them to be in “their” pew.  I have been in some churches that actually have a plaque with someone’s name where they sit and in others where initials are carved in certain pews to mark a place where someone sits.

Friday, August 19, 2022

Jesus Invites Us To Enter The Narrow Gate To Save All Souls By Introducing Them To Joy, Peace And Everlasting Life

Last week’s readings and St. Luke’s Gospel reminded us that we are called to bring God’s love and peace to all we meet. 
Our Baptism brings the fire of the Holy Spirit into our being so that we can spread God’s word toward purification of sinfulness and acceptance of God’s Kingdom.  Today, we add another dimension in which we reach out to the whole world even in times of great difficulty because no one is to be excluded from the Kingdom of God.  Salvation is offered to everyone.

Friday, August 12, 2022

Baptized With The Fire Of The Holy Spirit, We Are Called To Bring Of God’s Love And Peace To All We Meet

In the realm of relationships each one is unique even though there are identifying traits that psychologist, psychiatrists and scientists have data that often proves the outcomes are consistent no matter the person involved.  The uniqueness comes when we interact with one another and the outcome produces or provides an avenue of action to change something for better or worse.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Trust In God Allows Faith To Grow So We Can Spread Jesus’ Gospel Teachings


On the last Saturday of July I received a card from the wife of a man I have known for 61 years.  After four and half years of suffering from stage four colon cancer he passed. Joe, not his real name, was one of my oldest friends and we considered each other as brothers because neither of us had siblings.